Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5

It sounds simple, doesn’t it? But it’s not easy! Trusting God actually means surrendering control . Until recently, I did not even realize how much order and control I craved. Where did my desire for control even come from?

It was probably born out of necessity in the early years of parenting when I struggled to meet the needs of five kids under the age of seven. As a homeschooling mother of young children, I had to know where they were and what they were doing at all times. It was my responsibility to plan out their days, direct their education in a hands-on way, tell them exactly they needed to do, and follow through to be sure they did it.

My kids have grown and matured beyond the need for my constant vigilance. My youngest just turned 12 last month, and the two oldest are legal adults! I need to trust my older kids to begin making their own decisions and following their own path. And I especially need to trust God to direct them rather than trying to force them into my own mold.

My One Word for 2018 is trust. Do I trust God to work in every situation instead of attempting to micromanage it on my own? Can I trust my husband to give godly wisdom in situations I think I understand better than he does? Do I trust members of my church family enough to share our struggles, our kids, and even our messy house with them? And will I trust my kids to express their maturity and take ownership of their education, their lives, and their future?

I want the answer to all of these questions to be yes, and I am intentionally focusing on trust this year.

Has God given you One Word for 2018? Please share it in the comments.