This week has been a blur—homeschooling, writing, and going to regular activities as if it were a normal week, yet knowing that it was not. Every time I remembered that my oldest daughter, Rebekah, would be flying halfway around the world for a five month missions adventure, I pushed the idea to the back of my mind. Perhaps I could avoid dealing with the tumult of emotions the reality of her impending departure elicited. I was not in denial; I was simply taking Jesus’ words to heart and not borrowing worries from tomorrow.
So do not worry about tomorrow; it will have enough worries of its own. There is no need to add to the troubles each day brings. Matthew 6:34 (GNT)
It was an anxious drive to the airport and an emotional return trip Thursday morning after we dropped her off. Tears threatened a time or two, but I held them off by focusing on getting home. A texting session with my daughter helped me hold it together until she took off on the first leg of her trip.

The Shell Jar
Before my emotions could overtake me, I spotted a simple jar of shells Rebekah had left on the kitchen table. Earlier this week, as my daughter organized the possessions she would leave behind, she rediscovered the seashells she had collected on our most recent trip to Myrtle Beach and a glass jar her best friend’s mom had given her to display them. She carefully arranged the shells in the jar with beautiful results.
As I contemplated the simple jar of shells, peace reigned. The jar reminded me of how God has been setting each piece in place for Rebekah’s trip to Taiwan, much like she put the shells into her jar. When she applied in January, traveling to Taiwan for a DTS (Discipleship Training School, a ministry of YWAM) in March seemed like an impossibility. Being able to accomplish all of the required tasks within a couple months seemed about as likely as finding a jar’s worth of perfect seashells in just two minutes on a picked-over beach. But we serve a God for whom all things are possible.
For nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:37 (NLT)

Each time God moved someone’s heart to help fund her trip, a shell was added to a metaphorical jar. When we purchased her round trip ticket, another piece slid into place. Taking on a part time job caring for children to earn some spending money, having photos taken for the visas she will need on her outreach, learning about and obtaining the required travel insurance—each shell was wonderfully different. A couple weeks ago, she stood before the church to share her heart for Taiwan with them, and yet another shell took up residence in her figurative jar.
Did you notice that there is still a little space at the top of Rebekah’s jar of shells? The metaphorical jar is not yet full either. There is still room at the top for God to help her accomplish a few more seemingly impossible tasks awaiting her on the journey to DTS.
As people have prayed for Rebekah, God has worked out so many details that seemed impossible. If you take a moment to pray for her today, please comment below to let us know.