Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.
Since my twin fourteen-year-old daughters and I are avid fans of Drive Thru History® Adventures, we were thrilled to review Bible Unearthed. In this twelve-episode series, archaeologist Dr. Titus Kennedy takes the lead. He, Dave Stotts, and Randall Niles discuss archaeological finds related to the Bible. Online readings helped us examine the topics in greater depth.

The Videos
Each fifteen-minute video is packed with information. The three men begin by introducing the episode’s topic. Titus often shows replicas of artifacts archaeologists have unearthed.

While Titus explains the significance of each item, Dave Stotts behaves like any curious student—examining, playing with, and sometimes even dropping the artifacts. Thankfully, they’re only replicas!

Brief old-fashioned slide shows introduce students to Bible places.

Most episodes include a clip of Titus on location in the Holy Land.

Each show also features a brief segment on location with Dave Stotts. As in the previous Drive Thru History® Adventures, Dave explains the significance of the historical site.

The variety of presentation styles helps the videos appeal to a broad audience and present a large amount of information in a short episode.
Study Material
Following each video, there is a written summary of that episode. It functions as a recap of the topics presented.

Clear images allow students to take a closer look at pictures that were shown briefly in the video.

Below the summary, additional reading addresses a related topic.

Next, a Scripture reference helps connect archaeology with the Bible. Occasionally, the lesson also includes an activity like exploring an archaeological site map or decoding an ancient text.

For families who want to keep on digging, there is a link to an article to help you Dig Deeper into biblical history and archaeology.

Would you like your student to explore the topic independently? Printable PDF worksheets present the same written study material that is on the website.

Each set of worksheets concludes with five questions based on the video and the supplemental reading. There are plenty of lines to allow students to write out their answers.

Checking their work is easy—there is an Answer Guide to accompany each worksheet.

How we used Bible Unearthed
Initially, we watched one or two episodes of Bible Unearthed each week. Using the web browser on our Xbox system, we could view the videos and articles on our TV.

After watching each episode, we read through the summary, examined the accompanying images, and studied the supplementary material. Although we skipped the extra activities, we typically wrapped up our lesson by answering the discussion questions orally. We may explore the Dig Deeper articles on our next time through the series.
What the twins thought of the series
The twins enjoyed the visual aspects of the videos and the readings.

“It’s really cool that they include images of the places so you can visualize them.” ~The older twin

“I like that they made a timeline (in episode 2). It helped me visualize when events happened. ~The younger twin
Both girls enjoyed watching Dave’s antics.

“Dave Stotts is hilarious—in the background, he does stuff like looking at the artifacts as if they were gold. ~The younger twin
I secretly believe they were so captivated by Dave’s antics because that’s what they would want to do if they had the chance!
Although the twins appreciate some aspects of Bible Unearthed, they prefer watching Dave drive solo in other Drive Thru History® Adventures.
“These are not as action-packed as other series we’ve seen.” ~The younger twin
What about the rest of the family?
My high school senior’s reaction was the opposite of the twins. Despite her lack of interest in other Drive Thru History® Adventures, she didn’t mind watching Bible Unearthed. It fed her fascination with archaeology and sparked her interest in going on a dig.
My husband, who recently inquired whether there were any new Drive Thru History® Adventures we could watch, insisted on viewing the series with us. During some of the videos, he took advantage of teachable moments.

When Titus was showing us the Pool of Bethesda and the Pool of Siloam in Episode 7, we paused multiple times so he could share tidbits from our journey to Israel in 2018.
My husband also appreciates how up-to-date the information in the series is, particularly regarding the date of the Exodus.
I enjoy both the style and educational content of the videos. It’s been amazing to see just how many archaeological finds have proven that people mentioned in the Bible actually existed and that the events Scripture records actually happened.
The more I study the Bible, the more I realize how important the historical and cultural context is. By helping students understand the history and culture of the past, this series also helps them better understand Scripture.
The Consensus
Drive Thru History® Adventures appeals to a broad audience. Our whole family enjoyed watching The Gospels and Acts to Revelation. Since Bible Unearthed links the people and events of the Bible to ongoing archaeological discoveries, it is an excellent follow-up series.
The different format of Bible Unearthed may disappoint younger audiences, but even they will discover new things about the Bible as they watch. This series is perfect for watching as a family every few years since kids will understand more fully as they mature. Older high school students, young adults, and parents will appreciate the information-rich episodes. They may want to dig deeper by completing the additional readings and discussion questions.
Bible Unearthed is included in an All Access Drive Thru History® Adventures membership. Next year, it may be released as a standalone course. I recommend it as well as the other courses available from Drive Thru History® Adventures.
Have other homeschool families checked out Bible Unearthed? I’m so glad you asked! Eighty-four Review Crew families got to preview the series to share their perspective on it. Read their reviews on the Crew Review Blog.