Have you ever looked back in shock on recent events, wondering how in the world you made it through? That is exactly how I feel right now. I can’t believe all that happened in 2017.

A New Baby?
The roller coaster began last February. My niece and nephew came to live with us for three months. Upon arrival, my niece was nearly nine months pregnant, and within days, I had the privilege of witnessing her son’s birth.

After my nephew saved up enough money and found a home for his family, we continued to support them in any way we could. When they finally decided to move away in August, we helped them through that transition even though our hearts broke to see them go.
Changing the Way We Homeschool
With the unexpected events of winter and spring, we shifted from mom-directed schooling to a more independent style. The kids transitioned to ACE PACEs for most of their school subjects, and I handed them the reins (a.k.a. score keys), allowing them to take greater responsibility for their education by correcting each day’s work. While all of this was happening, we coordinated internships for our son and oldest daughter.

Worship & Prayer
I also started singing on stage every Sunday evening during our church’s prayer service. That has been amazing. Each service is unscripted and unrehearsed. Often, I have never even heard many of the songs until just minutes before the service. Certainly, God has been helping me find the right harmonies as I worship him each week. The prayers have been powerful and effective; our church has witnessed physical healing that has surely baffled perinatal specialists and oncologists!
Technical Skills
Throughout the summer and fall, I updated my computer and web design skills by taking multiple online classes.

I was then able to redesign my website.

Fall Semester
We purchased the year’s homeschool curriculum, and my 13 year old daughter took on the challenge of doing a year’s worth of school in a single semester.
In September and October we faced surgeries: wisdom teeth removal for my oldest and hernia repair for my husband.
Birth of My Blog
By November I had developed enough confidence in my technical skills to start this blog. I am so thankful that my husband helped me with some of the details I was not yet equipped to tackle on my own. In December, I joined the Homeschool Review Crew.

How Did it All Happen?
I did not anticipate any of these events a year ago, nor could I have planned it all out if I tried. God was directing every event, every step of the way. If anyone had told me ahead of time what the year held, I am not sure I would have believed it, but I would have been completely overwhelmed.
I am so glad God did not show me any of this ahead of time. With 2017 behind me, who knows what the coming year holds? I certainly do not want to know it all right now. One day at a time, please!
Did God surprise you with anything in 2017? Please share how He has been orchestrating events in your life this past year.