Throughout the world, church services have gone digital in response to COVID-19. What a blessing that we can still connect with each other, worship God, and grow spiritually! While you attend church remotely on Sunday morning, does handling the kids seem like a juggling act?

Lately, my inbox has been full of Bible resources perfect for kids younger than my own. Some of them may keep your children occupied so you can focus on the sermon. All of them can help a child learn more about Jesus and grow in their faith.
Focus on the Family
Focus on the Family has an array of free online resources to help families through COVID-19. Additionally, they are providing a free Easter week activity download. Beginning with Palm Sunday, daily activities and recipe suggestions could help make the entire week memorable for your family. Along with printables and crafts, there are complete directions for having your own mini Passover Seder meal.

There are tons of ideas in the download. Choose a few that your child may enjoy, and don’t feel bad about saving the rest for another time.
On the Focus on the Family website, I also discovered free digital issues of two of their magazines: Clubhouse (ages 8-12) and Clubhouse, Jr. (ages 3-7). Written from a godly perspective, these magazines provide safe and intriguing reading material for your children.

Kids Answers
Answers in Genesis has a site full of resources for kids. Digging into their colorful webpage, you’ll discover fascinating animal videos, printable crafts, and answers to tough questions your child might be asking.

There’s also a page full of Easter Sunday School lessons. While exploring the games, printable activities, craft suggestions, and stories, kids can learn to apply the Bible in their lives.

Keys for Kids
When you were growing up, did you ever listen to the Keys for Kids radio show? Guess what! It’s still around!
When our kids were elementary age, we often read or listened to the daily online devotional before bedtime. After a few short prayers together, we tucked the kids in for the night. Family devotions couldn’t be simpler.

For the past couple of weeks, Keys for Kids has emailed me Activity Packets. The PDF downloads have pictures to color, stories to read, and questions for kids to ponder.

You can access them on the Keys for Kids Newsletter signup page.
Calvary Curriculum
Do you want to teach your kids every story in the Bible? The coloring and activity pages from Calvary Curriculum can help. They cover hundreds of Bible stories from Genesis to Revelation.

Because so many passages are included, you’re likely to find a few pages related to your pastor’s sermon. While you listen to the message, your kids can be busy coloring pictures.
Bible App for Kids
This next resource could be the plug-and-play Sunday School substitute you’re looking for. Free to download to mobile devices, The Bible App for Kids incorporates 41 interactive Bible stories.

Be sure to take a peek at their Parent Guides for simple instructions to review each story with your child.

On their website, you’ll also find a two-year preschool Sunday School curriculum, Bible story videos, coloring sheets, and adventure books to print out.

Adapting to the “New Normal”
If you’re a parent of school-age kids, you may be adapting to a complete change of pace. Kids who once hopped on the big yellow bus every morning are keeping you on your toes all week long. Is this a blessing or a curse?
Because God designed families to pass along their faith to the next generation, being home together is truly a tremendous blessing. God calls parents to train up their children in the way they should go and teach them about God in everyday life. With the kids home all day every day, parents have even more opportunities to pass along their faith to their children. Can some of these resources help you do that?
What is your game plan for helping your child grow spiritually outside of church? Are you going to use one or more of these resources? Perhaps you have additional ideas for discipling your kids. Please share your strategies in the comments below.