History continues constantly. Even though today’s headlines won’t become part of a history textbook for a few years, my kids need to know about current events. How could I neglect this essential aspect of their education? As they develop a broader understanding of the world around them, they’ll mature into well-informed adults.
Every news source seems to be biased. Searching online, I find recent articles which clearly contradict each other. Fake news abounds. How can I know what’s real? More importantly, how can I help my kids discern the truth of what’s happening around the world every day?

WORLDteen Magazine
God’s World News consistently presents the facts. For the past few years, the twins and I have kept up with current events by reading their magazine for middle and high schoolers—WORLDteen. Every two months, we receive a new issue in the mail. For our convenience, we can also read all of the articles online.

Each magazine includes 32 articles divided into eight sections:
- EXPLAIN IT! (technology)
- POP! SMART (popular culture)
- PIE IN THE SKY (science)
- PEOPLE MOVER (human interest)
- MUD ROOM (nature)
- GLOBE TREK (international news)
- KA-CHING! (money)
- LAW ‘N ORDER (legal)

The website features a daily news article to help students stay abreast of news as it happens. Our WORLDteen session usually begins with a peek at the trending news.

Then we read a magazine article each day. This week, we read from the Ka-Ching! section. Since the girls enjoy seeing the extra pictures on the website, we typically gather around my laptop to read these articles together.

At the end of the week, the twins typically take a four-question online quiz to review what they learned.

During summer break, we temporarily set aside WORLDteen. Rather than discard the May/June issue that fell by the wayside, I use it to keep our place in the Sonlight Instructor Guide. Catching a glimpse of an eye-catching title, the twins often ask me to read an article.

Designed for young teens, WORLDteen is an integral part of our social studies curriculum. I especially appreciate the Christian perspective in the articles, which often include relevant Bible verses.
An annual subscription to WORLDteen is $35.88/year on the God’s World News website. Until September 30, you can get a discounted rate of $29.99/year through the Homeschool Buyer’s Co-op.
WORLD Watch News
Over the summer, God’s World News launched an online newscast—WORLD Watch News. With clarity and energy, Brian Basham (aka The Big Bash) and his team of young journalists cover current events in about 10 minutes.
We started watching the shorter Top Story news summary on the WORLD Watch YouTube channel in August.
The twins tend to learn better from watching a video than from reading an article. Since they enjoy the format, subscribing to the full version was a no-brainer for us.
Every morning I receive an email that lists the contents of that day’s episode.

At lunchtime, I queue up the newscast. While the girls eat, I play the video, pausing periodically to discuss key points. The format is perfect for including my husband, who often shares additional insights.
WORLD Watch Top Story is available for free on YouTube and provides a briefing in three minutes or less. Subscription-based WORLD Watch News covers more topics and provides further insight related to the news. Within the last week, the girls have learned how new Supreme Court judges are appointed, why the UN was created, and what they should do if they ever encounter a bear in the wild.

Occasionally, WORLD Watch News stories overlap with trending news articles from WORLDteen. The girls and I enjoy having the information presented in different formats, and the repetition helps cement the facts.
At $79.99 for an annual subscription, video-based WORLD Watch News requires a more significant financial investment than WORLDteen Magazine. Is it worth it? Absolutely! I love supporting Christian news media, and the twins definitely benefit from the fast-paced, visual format. Until September 30, the Homeschool Buyers Co-op is offering a discounted price of just $69.99 for a year of WORLD Watch News.