The attendance calculations are in. Officially, my twins have six weeks of school left this year. I am excited about trying out some new resources in several subjects while sticking with this year’s tried and true curriculum for math.
Here’s our plan:

English: We wrapped up this year’s English PACEs just in time to read an awesome biography of WWII hero and missionary Jacob DeShazer. I finished reading it last night and am looking forward to discussing it with the twins as they read it. I will be assigning chapter questions and perhaps a project or two from YWAM’s accompanying unit study. Look for a review soon!

Bible / History: We loved reviewing Drive Thru History Adventures and are excited to continue using it. The entire family enjoys watching the episodes for enrichment, while the twins use the accompanying worksheets and resources. In the next six weeks, we will be wrapping up our study of the Gospels and completing the Ancient History course.

Math: The girls have used Key to Algebra workbooks for most of the school year. Although they will not be able to finish the entire course, they will complete the seventh of ten units. If they finish before the year is up, Khan Academy will help them review what they have learned.

Science: We just wrapped up a God’s Design for Science unit about Weather and Oceanography. Since the twins want to delve into Marine Biology, I checked out an online course. After sampling the first lesson, I realized we needed something more creation-based. A Google search led me to a forgotten resource on our bookshelves—Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day. I doubt we will make it through even half the book in the next six weeks, but so far the twins and I are enjoying the course.

Geography / Current Events: The whole family enjoys keeping up with the headlines and learning more about the world around us using WorldTeen, a Christian news magazine and website that is part of World News Group. We paid for a subscription through the Homeschool Buyers Co-op this year but only started making use of it in the past few weeks. At first, I read the online articles to the twins during breakfast. Soon the other kids started listening in. Now they insist that I share my screen to the TV so everyone can follow along. The girls use our wall map to locate the countries we read about.
As we finish our homeschool year, we are trying new things in English and science, continuing with some recently discovered resources for history and geography, and holding steady with our math curriculum. Mixing it up with some variety is perfect for the last six weeks of the school year. It will keep all of us excited about learning.
How do you keep your kids excited about learning during the final weeks of the school year? Please share in the comments below.