It was your idea! Twenty years ago, you suggested that I homeschool our baby girl. Could I do it? A couple of years later, she read her first words, and I was hooked. Our family has grown a bit since then. It means so much to me that after all these years of homeschooling, I still have your vote of confidence. I especially appreciate all the little ways you support and help me in this monumental task.

Goal-setting and curriculum choices
Every year as I set goals for the kids, I value your input. I enjoy discussing ideas with you over dinner. Your ideas help guide the trajectory of our homeschool year.

When I find an amazing-looking computer curriculum, I know I can rely on you to tell me how effective it will be. Having an IT expert for a husband is a huge advantage in choosing appropriate resources. Does the curriculum teach skills that will be relevant for my kids in a future technology career? Though I don’t know for sure, you can usually tell from the title and table of contents.
I appreciate the camaraderie and accountability we enjoy as homeschooling parents. Each year, when I share with you the basic course of study for each of our children, your input is essential. And I love the way you celebrate the kids’ accomplishments when you read their end-of-year progress reports.
Editing writing
Why is it so hard to for me teach writing? So many times I read over one of the kids’ assignments, unsure of what grade to give them. Should I even give them a letter grade? Or should I mark it up with a pen and have them correct it? That’s when I ask you for help.
You always come to my rescue. After reading over their work, you sit down with them and suggest improvements. You address the grammatical aspects which are obvious to me, but you don’t stop there. You help them improve the content. You point out sections that are unclear and important details they omitted. How did I miss those? Along the way, you pepper them with encouragement about all the things they did right.
Some days I am ready to throw in the towel. I’ve struggled for hours to get one of our kids to complete their work. They come up with excuse after excuse for why they shouldn’t have to do it. Finally, I give up and wait for you to get home.

As soon as I tell you what’s going on, you begin to address the issue. Somehow, you help them past the roadblock. How? Is it your unique teaching style? Is it the authority you exude? Or is it that you are able to convey the value of the assignment in a way our child understands? I don’t know how you manage to get them to complete their work so swiftly, but I’m glad you do.
Thanks for not letting me beat myself up when I have “one of those days.” I appreciate it when you take care of the kids so I can take a walk or relax in the bath.
Teaching your passions
Your face always lights up when you teach the kids about technology. When you taught all the kids to design web pages a few years ago, your patience impressed me. You are such a great teacher!
Now that our son is older, you’re discussing complex topics with him. I can’t even wrap my brain around these ideas. The way you inspire him amazes me.

Of course, your teaching isn’t limited to computers. A few years ago, you volunteered to teach a subject to our older kids. At first, you taught Personal Finance, sharing wisdom from your experience. It was nice to have the kids study something I wasn’t responsible to teach. Then you picked a book about politicians of the past to read and discuss with them. I know they enjoyed it too. Maybe it had something to do with the weekly excursions to the donut shop or the ice cream parlor as you discussed each lesson.
Home Skills
I know there is a limit to your time and handyman skills. Yet I’m amazed at the variety of home skills you have taught the kids. How many pieces of furniture have you assembled together?
- our kitchen table
- the bunk bed
- cribs
- dressers

A few days ago, you even taught our son to fix a dresser drawer that was falling apart. It’s amazing how effective a few strategically-placed nails can be!
A couple of years ago, the two of you replaced an electrical outlet together so we could plug in more USB devices.
Of course, you tackled some larger projects. I’ll never forget the hours you put in with all the kids as you assembled our trampoline.

Thanks for working with the kids on smaller maintenance tasks too. Because of you, they are expert light-bulb and smoke-detector battery replacers!
Career Advisor
Now that our oldest two have graduated, I am especially grateful for your help in directing their future. Last year, our daughter needed to hear the ultimatum that landed her in Taiwan. You helped me let go so she could expand her horizons.

When she returned, you did your best to encourage her as she applied for jobs and was hired.
Since our son is following in your footsteps, your input and guidance are essential. I appreciated your suggestion that he enroll in a nanodegree before his senior year. Thanks for continuing to help him plot a course of study now that he’s finished his second course and is moving on to a third.

You do so many things to enrich our homeschool. The time you invest with the kids speaks volumes. Could I homeschool the kids all by myself? Probably. But I am so thankful for the many ways you help along the way. After all, it was your idea!
How do you involve your husband in homeschooling? Share some ways in the comments belog. For more ideas of how Dads can be inolved in homeschooling, check out this week’s Homeschool Review Crew link up.