I thought I had put a lid on this year’s homeschool progress reports. Then I remembered the electives. Since my older daughter can earn high school credit for pursuing her passions, I considered how she had spent her free time since her freshman semester. With the hours spent helping on the church hospitality team, cooking at home, and participating in the youth praise band, she earned 2 ½ more credits. It was time to add three courses to her progress report and her high school transcript.

My daughter thrives on being around people and helping others. Rather than sleep in on Sunday mornings, she usually goes to church early. While I rehearse with the worship team, she helps the ladies on the hospitality team prepare snacks and drinks.
At first, I was skeptical about how helpful she was being. But as the weeks went by, one lady after another approached me to tell me how much they appreciated my daughter’s assistance. I soon realized what a gift she has for serving others.

On occasion, the hospitality team has invited her to help prepare for special events at the church. Aside from food prep, she also helped rearrange furniture and decorate. With the same eagerness to serve, my daughter has assisted in Vacation Bible School and our church’s Health Ministry.
The skills she has developed are an excellent addition to her resume and also translate to a full high school credit. Based on an overwhelming amount of positive feedback from other team members and the high level of demand for her assistance, my daughter has certainly earned an A.
“What should I bake tonight?” my daughter inquires at least once a week. For several years, she’s often helped to prepare dinner, but she especially enjoys baking. She’s practically perfected her chocolate chip cookie recipe and loves to branch out and bake something new. Her repertoire is extensive. She’s baked matcha bread, brownies, blondies, coconut cream pie, matcha cake, cinnamon rolls, pineapple buns, and countless batches of cookies.

I relish her assistance in the kitchen, and she loves trying new recipes. Often, she recruits her siblings to help. Despite moments of impatience, she teaches them valuable skills as they measure and mix side by side. Over time, she has progressed from novice to expert, and the whole family enjoys sampling the sweet treats she prepares.
Her hours in the kitchen throughout high school easily add up to a Home Economics credit. Because she has demonstrated independence, ingenuity, and leadership, I can confidently award her an A.
Two years ago, my daughter joined the praise band at her Wednesday night youth group. She shows up early to practice with the band whenever she is scheduled. Once every month or two, the entire team gathers to go over new songs.
Initially, she focused on singing. Since she was also comfortable playing the piano, she was eventually recruited to play keys as well.

In addition to being on the praise team, she and her younger sisters make music together. Sounds of ukelele, guitar, cajón, keyboard, and beautiful voices drift from the music room and put a smile on my face.
My daughter has grown in confidence and skill through being in the youth worship band. So far, she has earned a half-credit in Music Performance through her participation at church and practice at home.
Report Card
Before closing out my daughter’s report card, I added her three elective courses. What a great way to round out her junior year!

She earned 7 ½ total credits this school year and had fun pursuing her passions along the way. It’s a delight to give her well-earned credit for serving others through hospitality, baking, and leading worship. Her willingness to help others and serve the Lord is far more valuable than courses on a transcript. While ministering to others, she’s setting a precedent for her future. I can’t wait to how God continues to use her talents and passions.