Journey to Israel - City of David

Whenever the Bible mentions “The City of David,” it is referring to Bethlehem, right? Wrong!

Although Bethlehem is sometimes called the town or city of David (see Luke 2:4), a small section of Jerusalem officially bears that name. David ruled Israel from the City of David, and the tabernacle rested there until the Temple was built. Is it possible that the Temple itself was actually located there—not on the traditional Temple Mount?

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Happy Blogiversary

I can’t believe I’ve been blogging for a whole year. When my husband helped me set up Peering Through the Lattice last November, I did not realize I had so much to say. I certainly did not expect so many people to read what I wrote.

I imagined my blog as a kind of scrapbook to record our journey. Over the year, it has evolved into a place where I share what has inspired me. I pray that my words will inspire you to walk closer to God, live boldly for Him, and diligently teach your children.

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Review of Balancing Diapers and Deadlines

This month, I had the opportunity to review Balancing Diapers and Deadlines. This online course from Lisa Tanner Writing helps moms grow their business from home.

I was hesitant to sign up, mistakenly thinking the course wasn’t relevant to me. My kids have been out of diapers for years, and I’m not running a business. I just enjoy blogging! Despite my doubts, I started the course.

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Can Your Kids Cook?

For many years, I hesitated to include my kids in the kitchen. Their “help” in the kitchen slowed down dinner prep and made a mess. I could prepare dinner faster on my own.

Three years ago, God convicted me about neglecting this part of the kids’ education. I knew my older kids (ages 15 and 17 at the time) needed to learn how to cook. Even my younger three (ages 9 to 11) weren’t too young to develop this important life skill. I paired an older and younger kid together for each meal. Together, they learned to prepare dinner for the family.

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My True Identity

I took a walk yesterday afternoon. As I stepped my way through the neighborhood, I listened to the first session of the Homeschool Parenting Summit. During the last few minutes of his inspiring talk, Paul Tripp discussed the danger of finding your identity in your children.

I started thinking about how true his warning was. If I place all my eggs in the basket of my success as a parent or my children’s ultimate success in life…well, since we’re all human, I’m bound to be disappointed.

Worldly Thinking

When the session was over, I started thinking about all the other worldly ways I might try to define myself. I began making a list:

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Off to the Pumpkin Farm

Taking toddlers to the pumpkin patch is a no-brainer. And there is never any question about hauling elementary-aged kids on a hayride. But have my tweens, teens, and young adults outgrown our annual trip to the pumpkin farm?

Last week, the lingering warm weather gave way to cooler temperatures. Fall was in the air. It was time to visit Burt’s Farm in the north Georgia mountains.

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The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty: St. Bartholomew's Eve

This month our family had the opportunity to review an audio drama based on a book by G.A. Henty. I enjoy Henty’s historical novels, but sometimes they are hard to read. For that reason, I have never assigned any of them to my kids. Heirloom Audio has adapted several of Henty’s novels, making them fun for whole families to experience together.

I queued up the first chapter of St. Bartholomew’s Eve. on our way from mid-Georgia to the Gulf Coast of Florida. The adventure took us back in time to the late sixteenth century.

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Review of Brinkman Adventures

“Mom, do we have to listen to it?” my fourteen-year-old queried as I queued up the first Brinkman Adventures episode. “Couldn’t we just listen to music?”

It was Friday morning, and we were headed to Community Bible Study. The thirty-minute drive was the perfect length to fit in an episode of the digital audio drama we were reviewing, Season 6: Underground Rising.

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Review of CashCrunch Careers

I remember the day the guidance counselor came to our middle school classroom. As he talked about careers, he emphasized the importance of knowing what jobs best suited us. The teacher gave each of us a career inventory test. It was so exciting to see all the different jobs we could pursue after finishing with school. Our career inventory results could help us plot our educational path.

Fast forward to our homeschool… How am I preparing my children for their future careers? We have learned about many careers together in our social studies curriculum. But my children never had a guidance counselor administer a career survey. I was excited to try out CashCrunch Careers. This online career resource from CashCrunch Games begins with a simple test. Using the results, it directs each child to a career path based on their personality. My son already has a pretty good idea of his career path. My four daughters are still unsure of where God may be leading them. Could the test help them find direction?

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