Rediscovering high school biology

High School Biology. The course title strikes fear in the heart of this homeschool mama. Although ACE Biology Paces worked well for my oldest three, my youngest two needed a different approach. The twins thrive on social learning using a highly visual curriculum. The more videos, the better! While exploring options I had considered but dismissed for my older kids, I rediscovered Guest Hollow Biology.

The living books in the course’s supplemental reading first caught my eye. I suspected that sci-fi and historical fiction would undoubtedly draw the girls into biology. As I soon discovered, the online textbook, which utilizes animations and videos in every lesson, was equally motivating.

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Teaching world news from a Christian perspective

History continues constantly. Even though today’s headlines won’t become part of a history textbook for a few years, my kids need to know about current events. How could I neglect this essential aspect of their education? As they develop a broader understanding of the world around them, they’ll mature into well-informed adults.

Every news source seems to be biased. Searching online, I find recent articles which clearly contradict each other. Fake news abounds. How can I know what’s real? More importantly, how can I help my kids discern the truth of what’s happening around the world every day?

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Drawn into Worship through the Word

While completing my homework for the first week of Community Bible Study (CBS) class, song after song came to mind. The margin of my study guide is now littered with lines of worship songs. Learning more about Jesus made me want to praise Him.

Contemplating the songs that became the soundtrack to my study, I decided to share them. I hope you enjoy music because this post is filled with it.

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Overcoming Fear by Trusting God

While attending yesterday’s training session for Community Bible Study leaders, doubts assaulted me. What qualified me to lead a group of nine-year-olds? How would we adapt the study to do it virtually? Could I really lead a class all by myself? Don’t my many failings with my own kids disqualify me? As we prayed and progressed through training, peace eventually replaced my fears…

Until I woke up early this morning with even more doubts. Thankfully, worship music reminds me of God’s faithfulness despite my weaknesses. As I prayed for peace, God brought several songs to mind. Just before sunrise, I got up to prepare for church.

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How Will the Twins Start Their First Semester of High School

It’s the final countdown. Our homeschool year starts on August 3. Today, I’m pulling together the twins’ homeschool curriculum, printing out worksheets, and gathering answer keys. As they begin their freshman year, what will they be studying? I’m so glad you asked!

This semester’s courses include Bible, World History, English, Biology, Algebra II, Health, and Phys Ed. Read on for details about each subject’s curriculum.

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Earning High School Credit for Serving Others

I thought I had put a lid on this year’s homeschool progress reports. Then I remembered the electives. Since my older daughter can earn high school credit for pursuing her passions, I considered how she had spent her free time since her freshman semester. With the hours spent helping on the church hospitality team, cooking at home, and participating in the youth praise band, she earned 2 ½ more credits. It was time to add three courses to her progress report and her high school transcript.

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How I Customized My Daughter's High School English Credit

High school English often includes several components—literature, composition, vocabulary, spelling, and grammar. To adequately teach this multi-faceted subject, a complete curriculum package may be tempting. For my daughter’s junior year, we chose a more creative option. Allowing her interests and needs to guide us, we customized her curriculum. Piecing together a credit for her transcript was surprisingly simple.

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